Thursday, September 27, 2007
Watched the 50th episode for
D.Grayman and the 24th episode of
Kaze no Stigma this morning. The
D.Grayman episode is well... still very boring and draggy... I can't believe that the filler actually create a new exorcist candidate and then destroyed her innocence... It's like... a total waste of time! For
Kaze no Stigma... I was expecting a very exciting ending for the serie... but well... it's rather disappointing... as the end of the anime doesn't mean the end of the entire story... once again... arrgh... and the fact that this serie is only in novels add on to my irritation. And, I absolutely
HATED the main female character!
Oh well... since it's been confirmed that my new semester will officially start on the 8th of october... which is two weeks after, I went to try and get my books today... But it's a wasted trip, the big notice outside the print shop made sure of it, as it read: All books for year 3s are available from 4 oct. Arrgh! I have to make another trip down next week again to get the books... And all that I did was to print my timetable out...Anyway, I went for my CCA practice just now, it's rather beneficial, as I learnt two songs, rather successfully. At first, I'm rather worried that I can't finish learning all the songs for the upcoming concert in time... as the concert is only a month away! I kinda spread this worry over to my friends, and we've been fretting since last night. And the way that some of the current commitee members, my junior act, kinda seemed to be implying that they don't really want us to sing at all. Ah, well, we discussed the issue of the songs with the instructor, and in the end, we come to the result that, we will just continue to try and learn the songs.Ooh... and something weird happened... this morning when I first on my msn, I was rather shocked to see four emails. And these four, are just the review and the alert, or favourites someone on added my fic. And it's the Ninja one... which made me feel like laughing, since I haven't even put up any updates for more than half a year already! Haha... seemed like there ares till people out there who would go search for older fics instead of being contented with the current ones. Not to mention that I had already got a whole lot of reviews critising me on adding in my original character and that I'm making Naruto look stupid just because I hate him or something. The thing is... there are absolutely NO female characters inside the entire anime that I really love, nor are they actually strong enough, at least in my sense. And for Naruto, that's just the way he is... clumsy, loud-mouthed, abit of a slow learner and all, but yes, he's actually a very nice character, and I DO NOT hate him! For god's sake, if I really HATED him, I wouldn't even BOTHER to waste time considering about writing him into my fic at all in the very first place! I don't know what came over me... but I'm feeling like, and thinking of, re-writing the entire Ninja fic all over again. Haha... since I'm very much stuck in a dead end on this one... and that I feel that I have missed out a lot details... I might even want to change Shiyuki's characteristic... to something at maybe, resemble the Cher in my Destiny fic more... Though the main plot of Ninja will still be about the same... and I may even be able to add in some Raiin parts...! LOL! (msn emo... the starryz and yayj~)
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