
~ It gets a lot worse before it gets worse...

~ If you die, I'll kill you!


Seki Tomokazu~ Kyaah~!!

Guren~ He's cool!

Ulquiorra~~~ My current obsession~~

Caster Status...

> likes reading

> likes writing

> loves animations

> loves mangas

> likes historic artefacts

> loves dinosaurs and dragons

> likes japanese people and language in general

> adores wolves!(especially white ones)

> adores Seiyuus...!!!!

> enjoys fantasizing and dreaming...

Caster Craves...

* more animation...!

* more manga

* any information about Seiyuus~

* more knowledge of the japanese language

* meetings with any of my favourite Seiyuus~~!!

* all the live matsuri DVDs, NR, Haruka...

Spells Casted...

September 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

February 2008

March 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

  • Though it's a tad too late to say this now, but......
  • I finally bought my books... and next week's the s...
  • The 50th episode of Kenichi came out yesterday... ...
  • Yup, the interview about Fukuyama with his piercin...
  • I kinda re-capped some of the Loveless episodes an...
  • Watched the 50th episode for D.Grayman and the 24t...
  • Now that I think of it... Maybe Blast Burn is inde...
  • Just watched the 49th episode of Kenichi! And OMG,...
  • Haha... no worries, Raiin, I understand that... wh...
  • Hmm... watched episode 24 of Heroic Age... It's a ...
  • Spell Casters...

    Zephyris' Fanfiction~

    Zephyris' Original fiction~


    Spell Casting...

    Monday, October 8, 2007

    Yep... of course... she's WAY WAY too good for that... but that's what they put her as though... damn Maple Story... That's why I'm so NEVER EVER gonna touch that!!!

    Yeah... Raiin... I saw the serie name under the to-be-released category... somewhere in mid november... And.. sure thing... I'll keep you updated about the release date and stuffs...

    Oh yeah... speaking of which... did you know that Koyasu had another serie in the works besides Weiss, Rai? It's called Velvet Underworld... (msn blue face emo of mine...) It's the name of the very first opening theme of the Weiss serie... But oh well... it's in the works to be made into an animation too... and I think THAT'S the reason why Side B's been dragging out for ages... anyway, I went and took a look at the official website for that... and guess what... AS USUAL... his naming sense is... (msn emo... the one facing the wall...) I don't know what words I can use to describe that... but... what made me stare... is the fact that he went and named the main character for Velvet Underworld... Aya... (blue face emo...)

    Today... is the first day of school... the start off.. is... peculiar. When me and my friend went to the block where my first class is to be held... I pulled on the door blocking the corridor to enter into the block... to no avail... and we had to go dig around for our admin cards to scan before we can enter... Then after that, when we found the class room... I saw the pair whom I SO wished, they would not be in my class... (msn emo, cry...) Anyway... when the lecturer came, we discovered that the room is under construction at the main door! The lecturer can't scan his card to open the door, and had to run out to get the key for the back door... anyway, after we managed to go into the room, we had our class amist all the noise of the damn construction above us... Then, the lecturer said that we have to form groups, permanent groups of around four people, as we have presentation and report writing every alternate week... (Gahh... the blue face emo...) And when we were to discuss about our groupings, I was turning to my friend to ask her if we should just do in a pair or join a group... when I saw THEM. They're sitting right behind me... and HE casted me... a very weird face and winked at me... AND... I ended up WITH them as my group mates... and it's for the WHOLE SEMESTER!!! OMG!!!! (cry emo...) DXR!! dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr dxr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That aside... I actually managed to write something for the new Ninja that I'm planning for rewrite... and I reach the scene where the ninjas appeared... and I'm thinking of changing their outfits to suit the actual manga or something... but I can't remember how they look like... and I absolutely don't want to go watch the anime just for this... so... Rai, mind sending me a full body pic of Naruto and Neji from the recent manga?

    Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 6:02 PM