Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wooh... I really did finish that oneshot fic!! And I posted it!! Whaha... there's this sense of satisfaction that I feel when it's finally completed. My very first attempt at this kinda fic... and form the few reviews I've got, it seemed to be a rather successful attempt, yay~~~ Haha... and now, I'm seriously considering another fic!! Bwahaha~~!!!
Raiin, gambatte on yours ne~~ I'm so gonna start planning on the next one~~~
Did I mention before, that I'm so in love with
Seiyuus? Wahaha... yep, I am... abit hopelessly. I'm still scouching around for Lives and Matsuris... though there don't seem to be a full one I can find... But still... I finally managed to get my hands on a couple of videos from this year's
Neoromance live!!! Kyahh!!!! I've been re-watching the videos all this time!
Inoue and
Seki's so funny... they called
Ono, 'handsome boy'! Haha... though he does look good~
Taniyama and
Miyano's so out too!! They actually exchanged phone numbers on the stage!!! And the fangirls below are already screaming like mad! From the videos.. I had to add a few more favourites to my list of
Seiyuus!! So well then, I decided to re-list my favourite
Seiyuu list! As always, they're not listed in any form of orders...
Seki Tomokazu (Kurou~~~)Midorikawa Hikaru (Seiran)Konishi Katsuyuki (Guren)Morikawa Toshiyuki (Dante)Koyasu Takehito (Hotohori)Takahashi Naozumi (Hinoe)Taniyama Kishou (Tsukimori Len)Ono Daisuke (Kamishina Jin)Okiayu Ryoutarou (Kuchiki Byakuya)Itou Kentarou (Tsuchiura Ryoutarou)Yusa Kouji (Ichimaru Gin)Ishikawa Hideo (Ukitake Jyuushirou)Paku Romi (Hitsugaya Toushirou)Matsumoto Rika (Satoshi)Namikawa Daisuke (Ulquiorra~~~)Suwabe Junichi (Grimmjow)Er... I think that's all... or did I miss out anyone?? Oh well... the list WILL continue to extend anyways... so I think I'll just add them on the next time~~~ I went to Kinokuniya with Rai on wednesday. To buy my.. Haruka manga!!! It stopped at the most high-tide situation the last book!! And I'm so very interested to find out what exactly happened.. though I can't help but feel a little... disappointed after reading the book. It's not as exciting as I pictured it out to be...
Ah well, there's not much I can do though... and the coming week's gonna kill me... the presentations... all the projects flying in my face... Sigh... I've gotta be packed again...
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 8:01 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Recently, I had the weird mood to go help people upload stuffs... though, that mood is now officially destroyed... thanks to the fact that I can't get anything uploaded on any hosts at all these few days!!! Gahhh!!!! It's so irritating...!!! Add on to the fact that the page just
DOESN'T want to display properly on my com!!!
DAMNIT!!!Though... I just started not long ago, on a
GriUl fic~~!!! Haha.. yesh, it's gonna be my very first attempt at writing a BL, shounen-ai fic!! For some weird reasons, I'm totally in for
Ul since his very first appearance... not to mention,
Gri too... and I have no idea where that pair started though... I'm just browsing through fansites, and who knows, there are tonnes of them who did this pair.
The more I read and see, the more I love these two to bits!! Raiin's gonna declare me crazy... haha, though yup, I really like this pair... they have officially become my very favourite pair!! I went out with
Rai on thurs to buy a bag, which I did, a very big one. I brought that bag to school on friday... the bus was so overcrowded, and that big bag doesn't seem like such a good idea... it blocks people's way... but well... no point regretting now that I already bought it. We crapped alot then, and she told me about
Gri's released form... which seems to be linked to something about cats, though... and a few days after that, while I was once again browsing through fansites, I found a picture. Some fan drew out her imagination of what
Ul would look like in his released form, since it's not yet official, so she drew what she thought looks best. And,
OMG, the
Ul she drew
REALLY looks so cool... her drawing is so superb too!!!
I found this some time before the
GriUl craze... it's a fanart of some of the main characters from
Corda, in chibi form! And they look so cute!! Though... due the stupid problems my com is giving me, I can't upload anything at all!!! Even pictures to the blogs are included in the problems!! Gehh!!! Sigh, I'll just have to wait and see if I can put in the pictures in the next post...
All these always does reminds me of this conclusion: Japanese people sure have the best imagination in fics, and skills in drawings. How I wish I can be like that... at least I won't have to worry about my fics...
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 7:30 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Phew... It has really been a
VERY long time since I had last updated... which is about two weeks ago? There's just so much stuffs to do this entire time, that I don't even have the brain cells necessary to think about blogging anything, or more like, there's not even any brain cells left to even remember about my blog. But well, now that the big event is over,
Okay... in the past week, I'm rather stuck with doing out the project for next week's presentation, and also, the MOST important thing of all, learn and memorise all the notes and lyrics of scores for the SIX songs that I'll be participating by singing in the second half. It really is HELL... you imagine, rushing for time, with all the school work load and projects... and also learning SIX songs within ONE month?!?! People would have died... before they can finish learning if it wasn't for the fact that we have prior experience in singing and can managed to learn it by ourselves. Add on to the fact that me, being a sophrano, had to go sing the alto part. Not that I have anything against the altos but... I have NEVER been in the alto section all my life.. and just switching there all of a sudden is a real problem to me... there's a big problem with even warming up with the alto section. And also, I just seem to keep switching back to the normal voice I used in choirs... which is also the one I used usually, when I'm singing the sophrano section... But nevertheless... hard work does pay off, in this case (since it's not every time and definate that hard work will pay off, I had too much previous experience, as did almost everyone else, I think...), as I did learn it!!
From monday, there's been rehearsals almost everyday to thursday, and there's school too! I nearly slept in the classes!! And nothing seemed to really go into my head at all... it's just too dead tired to concentrate... Though, on friday night, the actual concert, all of this effort paid off!! The number of audiences HAD significantly increased, compared to the last two concerts! And yes, everyone did very well in the performance, especially in the second half!! Haha.. applause are like never ending waves and they keep rolling, specifically for the song, 'I'll make a difference'. The response for that song was so overwhelming that the conductor decided to change to that song as the encore song, instead of the one that was previously decided. I'm glad he did, that song seemed to be the most loved by one in the entire concert!!!
Raiin came for the concert too... though she did have to wait a long time before she can go into the seats. And just as Rai had said to me yesterday, the concert was a total success, and people probably enjoyed it as much as she and I did! After the end of the concert, we took pictures and all, as the entire club, in sections, with a few close friends, with the conductor, and with the senior, the alumnis!! It was really an enjoyable concert, I totally enjoyed the entire time throughout the performance! And since the whole length was videoed, according to the juniors... I'm planning to get a copy of that! After all the photos, I met up with Rai and we went for dinner... after me having removed the make-ups from my face and all. Though... it's already nearing 10 at night, and there's actually nothing much to eat, except for the hawkers and of course, mac. So we just made do, though we crap about tonnes of stuffs, and that brings me to this, something that my comm skills lecturer said, that I told Rai, and she fully agreed with me on these...
Flaws are not always a bad thing.
Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't let you stay there.
Not everyone who gives you shit are your enemies.
And, finally...
When you're in deep shit, shut up!
Oh ya, just today, I had my sister go screenshot a picture. It's so damn funny that I can't stop laughing the moment I saw that picture! Haha... a zangoose, with the worst possible face, it's like a total different thing from the one stated in the dex!! Take a look at this:

What kinda of face IS this?! Haha... I think it's so funny, though Rai said it's scary. Ever met someone with this kinda face? One so stinky and smelly that you'll probably NEVER EVER forget in your ENTIRE life? Laughs, I guess, this would probably be what you call, Sai Bin, in dilect, or rather, just Shit-faced.
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 10:49 PM