Thursday, June 26, 2008
My whole department at work is like, having an OT spree last week. We OT-ed for 3 days straight, not to mention, me and one of my colleague actually stayed until near 12 midnight in the building on the last OT day! And because of these OT-ing, we can practically even fall asleep even while standing.
NYP called me up for my 2nd DT interview. It's yesterday, and well, it turned out abit weird I think. And the best part is, I waited 1 whole hour for my turn! WHAT THE HELL!!! I reached first with the first group, which has 3 people, including me. The two went first, then the third one, should have been me, but NO! They went and get another girl who had arrived as the 2nd group! KNS!!! And thanks to her, I waited 1 whole hour to go in. But well, the few that came out said, that they either, kena shoot, dunno how to answer, or is dead. I'm like, cham liao... when I went in. But it turns out, I don't seemed to get that...? I didn't really got shoot, nor did I ended up not able to answer any questions. So... is it a good or a bad thing? I really have no idea...
I finally managed to get into Uruha's blog~ LOL! And that's only because, one of my sis' friend is really a real fan club member! And we borrowed her ID to go in and take a look. I got a site, blog actually, that OMG, sells the DVD live that I'm waiting for... though it's only going to be out in August, but well, I WANT IT~~~!!! LOL! And moreover, that owner of the blog IS Singaporean! Yay~ I went and send an email order! Haha, and I just received a reply! I seemed to managed to get a pre-order copy~~~ yay!!! Though I have to meet that person and pay him/her first this saturady... It's damn expensive... but well, I WANT IT~~~
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 8:17 PM
Monday, June 9, 2008
I just suddenly remembered one thing. Today is
Uruha's birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, URUHA-SAMA!!お誕じょ日 おめでとございます、 麗様!!(I'm not sure if I got the kanji(s) correct here... swts...)I wanted to try sending a fan mail to him, but... no matter how much I click on the link... nothing happens... T_T Oh well, at the very least I can still wish him. Once again;
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 7:52 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Last Saturday, after reaching home at 3am, and sleeping at 4am for like... 2 hours, and still have to wake up at 6am to go work, it's hell. I fell asleep on the bus ride, and because of my fishing (my friend's term for nodding and dozing off), I hit my head on the back railing handle of the bus seat. Gahh... it did hurt... I was so sleepy the entire time! Haha... though I'm not the only one, my two other colleagues who also went to for the clubbing and have to came back to work, were also not any better than me. We were falling sleep in out work!
Just this morning I went for my DT interview. It was rather unexpected to see the lecturer who was the one to recommend me for the DT position to be one of my interviewers! Generally, the interview went rather well... I think, just that I didn't talk as much as they expected. It's a horrible day for me... my shoe broke! I wore that pair of heels to the interview, and I didn't know that the strips on the left shoe had broke until I reach the school gates! There was no time or other way but to continue... and after that, when I was going home, the heel on the same shoe broke! Gahh!!! And that was my favourite pair of heels too! Sobs...
Recently, I'm really on into Visual Kei Jrock bands nowadays. Amongst all, my very favourite band is the GazettE! Haha... I'm been scouching around for every single one of their songs, videos as much as I can, and I think I can safely say, that I have all of their songs.. or at least I think I do... And I'm also been searching high and low for their pictures on the net! Though the pictures I got are mostly concentrated on Uruha and Kai, the lead guitarist and the drummer of the band. I totally adore Uruha... he's so pretty! So pretty, that it's sometimes really hard to distinguish him as a male... Kai is so cute! His signature dimpled smile! Haha... I'm totally crazy over them... crazy enough to make me go searching for fanfics and also, to want to write on them! I'm also crazy over Uruha enough to put his picture on my msn display and now, even my desktop! Oh ya... and I realized, that both Ulquiorra and Uruha whom I go crazy over have the same starting pronounciation in their names, and that if I were to shortened their names. What a coincidence! Just to show how crazy I am about him, here's how my desktop currently looks like:

Yep, I'm definately and officially his fangirl!
Spell Casted by Zephyris... At at 10:00 PM